U.S. Politics

CNN’s 90-minute Cheap Fake?

The chattering class should live by the labels they create

Edward Thomas
2 min readJun 29, 2024

For the past couple of weeks, the entire U.S. mainstream and not-so-mainstream left-leaning media was awash with stories warning about a supposed glut of “cheap fake” videos. These videos, allegedly selectively edited or taken out of context, aim to raise questions about the mental and physical fitness of 81-year-old Joe Biden.

Two empty debate podiums
Image AI-generated by author

At the same time, we were being assured that, behind closed doors, the President is mentally sharp, lucid, energetic, vigorous, and better than he’s ever been.

We were warned that under no circumstances were we ever to believe our lying eyes. Visual evidence of Joe Biden’s decline is nothing more than deceptively-edited cheap fakes.

Unfortunately, the recent CNN presidential debate was not conducted behind closed doors…

In the recent 90-minute debate aired by CNN, viewers saw a performance by President Biden that was far from the glowing endorsements of his supporters in his party and the media.

Stumbling over words, losing his train of thought, and appearing fatigued, Biden’s debate performance looked exactly like what the lapdog mainstream media has been trying to convince us is nothing more than cheap fakery.

By the standards for cheap fakery defined by Biden defenders over the past couple of weeks, isn’t one led to conclude that CNN is guilty of airing a feature-length 90-minute “cheap fake” live broadcast?

The media a shirking its duty.

By preemptively labeling any unflattering footage of Biden as fake, the mainstream media is setting a precedent where the significance of genuine events can be discounted with the wave of a hand. This not only insults the intelligence of the public, it also undermines the democratic process by depriving voters of access to pertinent facts.

Transparency and honesty are at a premium.

Every electorate deserves transparency and honesty from both its leaders and the media. It’s high time they stop labeling inconvenient truths as fabrications and start addressing the real issues the country faces.



Edward Thomas

Chicago | Japan since 1969 | Japanese>English translator, editor | Teaches English at Japanese University. | Buy me a ko-fi @ ko-fi.com/edwardthomas