Medium Meta

Improved Medium Features & Functions

Someone is listening and responding

Edward Thomas
Aug 26, 2022

In case anyone missed it, Breana Jones, a member of the product team at Medium, recently posted an article about a list of features and functions that have been added, restored, and improved in response to Medium member requests.

  • Custom domains (back for good)
  • Mobile editor (improved and coming back for good)
  • Improved following feed
  • Improved member icons

The mobile editor and improved following feed news is especially good, because these are topic that have been getting a lot of discussion of late.

Silhouette of cheering crowd.
By Edward Thomas using Canva

Let’s hope that this is a sign of more and better things to come!



Edward Thomas

Chicago | Japan since 1969 | Japanese>English translator, editor | Teaches English at Japanese University. | Buy me a ko-fi @