A new publication about what it is really like to live in Japan

Edward Thomas
Apr 7, 2022
Logo of JAPUNDIT with the catchphrase, “Japan — a whole lot more than temples, tea, and sushi!”
Logo by Edward Thomas using Canva

I am pleased to announce the launch of a new publication called: JAPUNDIT.

JAPUNDIT will be devoted to articles about living in the Japan that is home to 126 million souls who, like everyone else in the world, are just trying to do their best to get by.

At JAPUNDIT we will strive to tell a Japanese story that does not fetishize the country either positively or negatively.

I think I have everything set up correctly, but I am new at this. so if you spot something that needs to be fixed please let me know.

Please subscribe and help support our fledgling publication.

If you would like to write for JAPUNDIT, please leave a comment.

Thanks much, and see you at JAPUNDIT!



Edward Thomas

Chicago | Japan since 1969 | Japanese>English translator, editor | Teaches English at Japanese University. | Buy me a ko-fi @ ko-fi.com/edwardthomas